Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The 30 Day Snap

Hey Guys,

How are we all doing, this week? It's Tuesday already, how times fly's!

I just wanted to let you know about a challenge I'm under taking for the whole of June, called The 30 Day Snap!
As you may or may not know, I am a huge fan of Sprinkle of Glitter, and this is a tag set up by her. & I thought it would be fun to join in. I have linked her blog below, for you to all check out. :] 

The idea behind 'The 30 Day Snap' is to take one picture everyday, and upload it however you wish. I myself will be uploading of course on here and also through, the wonders of Instagram, which also happens to be linked to my Twitter & Facebook pages. 
But you can upload to wherever you like. ;] The picture can document any part of your day, wherever you maybe.. work, home, school. (As long as you don't get caught by any teachers!) 
Don't worry if you don't have a state-of-the-art camera. I always end up using my phone, as it is the camera I almost always have to hand! Also don't worry if there not perfect. (it's only fun, after all!) Your photo, can have a story behind it, feel free to add a caption or if you feel that it speaks for itself than leave it at that!

I think it would be awesome, if you would all like to join in, and give it ago with me. I did something pretty similar at the beginning of the year, on Instagram called the #JanuaryPhotoChallenge with my sister & we had a blast! 
Just expanding our photographic skills & being a bit more creative.  

I will be using the hashtag's #GlitterSnap & #30DaySnap.

***Sprinkle Of Glitter*** || Beauty | Baby | Lifestyle | UK: The 30 Day Snap

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