I often like to brows pinterest for inspiration. For hairstyles, arts & crafts, typography, recipes. Basically just about everything... I may need in life.
But what I especially, like to do on a quite drizzly afternoon, with a cup of tea. Is perusal quotes. (I know, I sound ancient.) To quote my Nan; "But just you remember, it's the little things." & she's right. I find it oddly comforting to read typed affirmation.
Like everyone, the quotes that resonate with me the most, are the one's I know I should do more of.
The one above is particularly applicable to my own personality, & ties in nicely, with my first ever blog post. "Think less, do more."
This is something I strive to do more often.
I'm one of those people, who feels safe with a plan. I like to know whats happening & when. Which is all well & good. However, I find this can also be an unhelpful way to be. A primary example, is that the prospect of a holiday away, can often feel very stressful as there is so much that needs to be planned. It can be off putting.
This is when the "think less do more" scenario works well for me. Being more spontaneous, is exciting. & also leaves less time, for my brain to start over thinking/worrying.
Myself and the fella, recently took a spontaneous trip to Milton Keynes. Doesn't sound too exciting I know. But It was nice to go somewhere different for a change. & since I'm new too this old driving, lark, in my book it was a pretty substantial driving feat. The trip was nice. minus the downpour. It was lovely to spend some quality time together. We even had a little picnic & everything. :)
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