Well hello there, ladies & the odd gent.
I've been AWOL, from the blogaspeare for a while now, & I've really missed it. Mainly, because it gives me the excuse, to try extra lovely stuff, and share how much I love it, with you guys.
I've been AWOL, from the blogaspeare for a while now, & I've really missed it. Mainly, because it gives me the excuse, to try extra lovely stuff, and share how much I love it, with you guys.
So let's begin, as the title of this post suggests, today's post is about cleansing balms. I don't know about you, but I loves me some good skin care. I always think the key to good make-up, is to take good care of your skin first. I've tried a few & picked a top 3, of what I consider affordable balms available in the UK.
I prefer to use cleansing balms for a couple of reasons, if your new to skin care routines, these are great for beginners. They're really good if you don't want to use lots of products.
I love them most of all, because they get rid of all you're make-up all in one go.
I also like them, because I feel they suit my skin type best. If I were to discribe my skin type, I would say it's not overly combination. I get a tad oily on my forehead, but that's about it, & my skin can get occasionally dry, during the winter months. However my main skin concern, is that my skin can get quite sensitive at times.
So in short, I like cleansing balms, because they feel right for me.
They don't strip my skin, or leave my skin feeling dry & tight, like some foam washes, have left my face feeling in the past.
They don't strip my skin, or leave my skin feeling dry & tight, like some foam washes, have left my face feeling in the past.
Out of the 3 I've chosen I like them all equally. I'll start with the most pricey, but defiantly still worth the spend.
It is the Ren cleansing gel, I am in LOVE with Ren Skin care, right now. They have a brilliant range aimed at sensitive skin. Along with some fab face masks. They are defiantly worth checking out if you fancy trying something new & maybe you're skin feels in need of some TLC. Anyway... Back to the cleaning gel. It's £15.00 for 150 m bottle. All you have to do; using a warm damp cloth, wet you're face with said cloth, then using 1 pump of gel, onto you're hands, & proceed to rub the gel onto you're face. Before rinsing it of with you're warm damp cloth. If I'm wearing make-up, I usually repeate the process for a second time, just to make sure I get everything off.
It is the Ren cleansing gel, I am in LOVE with Ren Skin care, right now. They have a brilliant range aimed at sensitive skin. Along with some fab face masks. They are defiantly worth checking out if you fancy trying something new & maybe you're skin feels in need of some TLC. Anyway... Back to the cleaning gel. It's £15.00 for 150 m bottle. All you have to do; using a warm damp cloth, wet you're face with said cloth, then using 1 pump of gel, onto you're hands, & proceed to rub the gel onto you're face. Before rinsing it of with you're warm damp cloth. If I'm wearing make-up, I usually repeate the process for a second time, just to make sure I get everything off.
The second cleansing balm on my list, was in fact a happy accident. I was looking for the senctuary cleansing balm, but my local stores, don't seem to stock it. So I was handed a No 7 voucher, (which I get tons of all the time!) & saw that they had their own, cleansing balm & with the money off voucher, only came to a grand total of £4.00! An absolute bargin! Like Ren, No 7, do a great range for skin all every type's, under the sun. Apply as you would with the Ren cleanser. & again if I'm wearing make-up I always do it twice. The only downside is it does sting you're eyes slightly, when removing eye make-up.
So I would recommend that you remove you're eye make-up separately. That aside it leaves you're skin feeling lovely.
So I would recommend that you remove you're eye make-up separately. That aside it leaves you're skin feeling lovely.
The final product is from a range called NSpa, which was a gift, but avalible at Asda stores. This is technically a hot cloth polish, but has a very balmy texture to it. It also applies slightly differently to the other two. Apply 1-2 pumps onto dry skin, working it into you're skin in circular using motions. Again avoiding you're eyes.
To remove, do the same as with the previous two cleansing balms, using a warm damp cloth. This one is £7.00 for 150 m bottle, plus cloth.
To remove, do the same as with the previous two cleansing balms, using a warm damp cloth. This one is £7.00 for 150 m bottle, plus cloth.
Hope I've given you a couple of products to check out.