Wednesday, 20 March 2013

DIY, Pinterest has ruiend my life....

Hi Guys,

I hope, this mid-week post finds you all well? That's right, I said mid-week, exciting hey?! only two more days until the weekend! Unless like a lot of us, you now have to work at least one, day during the weekend. In which case, I hope you're shift's fly by!

My inspiration, for this weeks blog post, is from the e card, that a friend sent me. [Pictured above.] Which I think just about sums me up, completely.  

Like most of the nation, for well over a year now, I have been gripped by the Pinterest bug! I really, don't know what it is, but there is something, wholly therapeutic about being able to 'repin' my dream home, outfits, wedding, recipes, and ALOT of DIY, projects, that I always intend to give ago, but never get round to it! 

So my aim, for this coming week, is to undertake and complete one of my 'Pinned' DIY projects. Which I will take some pic's of the finished out come, and put in next week's blog.

If any of you pinterest lovers, fancy joining me, in creating something from one of you're boards, whether, it be a gift, something for the home, or even a recipe. I would love to see it. =]  x x

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Vintage Fleamarket Experience

Hey Guy's & Doll's,

I hope this post finds you well? 

This weeks post is maybe, a bit more for the doll's than the guy's. But I hope you feel free, to read and enjoy ;]

So  this week in my hometown, is Fashion week. (I can already here *squee's* of excitement, from you all.)
 Being a self confessed lover, of cosmetics and fashion, I decided I would very much, like to check it out. 

However, on the whole, I felt it was pretty disappointing affair. ;[  The Thursday night event, did look super exciting. But due to prior commitments, I was unable to make it.
So, I decided to go to some of this saturdays events. 

One, of which was the Fleamarket, which I will say gets a big thumbs up! ;] 

Everyone seemed friendly and helpful, and it was on a much bigger scale then I had expected which was a nice surprise. 

I picked up some really lovely pieces of jewelry, for pretty much next to nothing, and if my purse- strings are happy, then that makes me a pretty happy bunny. 

And let's face it who can resist a bit of Vintage, answer. . . No one! 

My first  two bargains, were 2 gold necklaces, one with a cross on, I know crosses & sculls are making a come back for a second summer.  And the other had a pearl in the centre, surrounded by a 3 little semi-circle's making it look like a flower. Very cute indeed. Both for the grand total of £3.00! Whoop.

(I apologise for the bad lightning, I just could't get it any less yellow than that.)

My second purchase, was a very spring / summer bracelet. Which I really liked because, I had seen a very similar, spring statementy type necklace in Accessorize. & felt, they were a match made in heaven, & for £7, it was hard to say no. 

My third and final purchase, was a pretty pink broach, that I got as a gift for my mum, for mothers day. (Which I forgot to take a picture of, duh!)
 All in all it was a pretty good day, for retail therapy. (Apart from the freezing sleet / snow, of course! YUK.) 

All in all it was a pretty good day, for retail therapy. But that's just England, I guess! Hey-ho! 

Monday, 4 March 2013

Procrastinating is a problem

Hello Lovelies,

I hope you're all well? Good glad to hear it. =] 

So after about 2 months of putting it off I have finally taken the plunge, and started a blog of my very own. *pat's self on back*

And I have started by writing a post about one, of my worst habits in the world, procrastinating.... There I said it.

I am a huge procrastinator, and I just hate it. I know I shouldn't do it, but I just can't help myself.  

I have found that the main reason I procrastinate, is down to "the fear" I hate taking the first plunge into the unknown. Which I think rationally, sounds just the silliest thing. 
Like the old saying " Nothing ventured, nothing gained." right? If I don't try, then I'll never know, if I made the right move, or not. And that is what life's about after all isn't it? taking chances and experiencing new things. 

SO... Why put it off?  When I know, once I have completed the task whatever it maybe, I feel a wonderful sense of relief and accomplishment, after it has been ticked off, the imaginary list in my mind. 

The answer is, I just don't know... But it is a habit, that I will be tackling head on, in 2013. 

 Wish me luck!