Sunday, 24 April 2016

Life update

I haven't blogged in ages, because I'm rubbish, when I have changes in my life. At keeping on top of the other things, that I like doing. Apart from sleeping really. 😴
I just seem to be able to focus better, on one thing at a time. (I know I'm a women but I swear I can't multi-task)
What are these changes you ask? 
Well I guess I should tell you, the two main ones are; 
I stated a new job, and joined  slimming world, but I wanted to focus on the latter. 
Firstly, why I joined slimming world:
 I guess like many people out there, I can hardly remember a time I was happy with my size. The last time, was probably, in my late teens and that's ages ago now!
And even though, I don't think I have the most unhealthiest of life styles, I just wanted to make better choices. Without having to go to the gym, like, everyday.
But, I have been at slimming world a while now, and have finally started to make some head way.
I'm not gonna lie, it's been hard AF, to shift some of these pounds. We're taking sweat & tears hard.
I am defiantly not on of these lucky, idiots that join and within a week they've got there first half a stone. ( I wish I was one of those.)
Admittedly my weight has always fluctuated and I have always found it easier to put on weight than to loose it. But before I joined, my sister was already a member, and for the most part I just joined in with her. 
So I already felt like I had made some changes to my diet, trying to cut out all the naughty stuff. 
But the hardest thing, has been cutting out my 2 cardinal Syns, (no pun intended) crisps & chocolate. We all know how nice these things are, so I won't explain. 
But before I joined slimming world, I probably had about 3 packets of crisps, a week, now it's like one. 
And for a while I really resented it. 
Giving up what I saw, as one of my little luxuries. When your in group and someone pipes up, they've lost 3lbs and still had fish and chips this week! It's really hard not to punch them! 👊
Anyway, I'm making some progress & I'm proud of it. 🙃